Microscope Museum

Collection of antique microscopes and other scientific instruments


Contact information

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I am currently based near Brighton (UK), where I spend most of my time. I work as a microbiology lecturer at the School of Applied Sciences, University of Brighton, and most of my previous published research was about the diversity and characteristics of microorganisms, particularly fungi and microorganisms of medical importance. My scientific background and work contacts can be found in the university’s webpage HERE.

Before or while working at University of Brighton, I have also worked as researcher and lecturer in the microbiology field at the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in Lisbon, the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of New University of Lisbon, and the National Institute for Agrarian and Veterinary Research, in Portugal. I guess that this background can explain why I like microscopes!

Most of the microscopes and other instruments in this collection are currently stored at my house in Brighton, and some are in Oeiras, near Lisbon (Portugal). However, sometime in the future, it is my aim to make all these instruments available somewhere, in a small exhibition, open to anyone who likes microscopes and microscopy. Until this happens, occasionally, I organise outreach events, including seminars and small exhibitions about the history of microscopy where some of these instruments are displayed. Many of these instruments will also require some restoration in the future.

Please get in touch if you share the same interest for antique microscopes and other scientific instruments. Contact me also if you have any antique microscopes for selling or donating (and, eventually, other interesting scientific instruments related with optics). And of course, any instruments kindly donated to this collection will be properly credited in any exhibitions or other events organised in the future (see also the Donated instruments link).

Recently, I also started an online discussion forum, where anyone interested in antique microscopes can share information and discuss any topics related with these amazing instruments.

A version of this webpage in Portuguese is available on www.museudomicroscopio.eu


Joao Inacio Silva

Email (professional): j.inacio@brighton.ac.uk